Boed/Rho'ed i Grist yn etifeddiaeth

(Brenhiniaeth Crist)
Boed i Grist yn etifeddiaeth,
  Y Cenhedloedd o bob iaith;
A therfynau'r byd
      i'w feddiant,
  Ga'dd yn wobrwy am ei waith;
    Ië, rhoddwyd,
  Pob awdurdod yn ei law.

Holl deyrnasoedd byd yn gyfan,
  Sydd yn eiddo'n Harglwydd ni;
Ei lywodraeth sydd yn eang,
  Mae ei enw uwch pob bri;
    Boed yn amlwg
  Ei ogoniant Ef a'i ras.

Iesu! estyn dy deyrnwialen
  Dros derfynau eitha'r byd;
Dyrcha'th faner at y bobloedd,
  Atat tyn y rhai'n i gyd:
    Gan bob llygad
  Gwelir iachawdwriaeth Duw.

Daw'r holl freision ar y ddaear
  I was'naethu Crist yn llon;
A holl wŷr y llwch a ddeuant,
  Ac ymgrymant ger ei fron;
  Bendigedig fyddo'r Oen.
Boed i Grist :: Rho'ed i Grist

Peter Jones (Pedr Fardd) 1775-1845

Tôn [878747]: Peniel (alaw Gymreig)

  Holl deyrnasoedd byd yn gyfan
  Iesu estyn dy deyrn-wialen

(The Kingship of Christ)
May Christ have as an inheritance,
  The nations of every language;
And the ends of the world
      as his possession,
  Which he got as a prize for his work;
    Yes, he was given,
  All authority in his hand.

All the kingdoms of the whole world,
  Are the property of our Lord;
His government is wide,
  His name is above all renown;
    May his glory
  And his grace be evident.

Jesus, extend thy sceptre
  Over the utmost ends of the world;
Raise thy banner to thy peoples,
  To thyself draw them all:
    By every eye
  Is the salvation of God to be seen.

All the prosperous on the earth shall come
  To serve Christ cheerfully;
And all the men of dust shall come,
  And bow before him;
  Blessed be the Lamb.
May Christ have :: May Christ be given

tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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